Block Paving Sealing Cambridge
Block paving cleaning and sealing is usually done in 4 stages as detailed below:-
1st Stage: To ensure the cleaning process is really effective, we would normally pre-treat the paved area with weed killer and/or fungicidal wash to kill off any weeds and fungal spores.
2nd Stage: Usually around 1 week later we would then clean the block paving using a professional rotary headed pressure cleaner to remove any weeds, moss, algae, dirt and grime that may have accumulated over time. Its also important to treat and remove any oil or grease at this stage.
3rd Stage: Once the block paving is completely dry, usually on another day, we can then brush kiln dried sand into the joints to help stabilise the paving and replace what has been displaced during cleaning.
4th Stage: Smartseal acrylic block paving sealers are then sprayed* onto the block paving (normally 2 coats). This helps to protect the paving from deterioration and prevents surface returning quickly.
* The acrylic sealant is sprayed in a two coat application to make sure every individual block and jointing sand is completely covered to ensure the best long term protection. See images here..
If you live in Ely, Cambridge, Sawston, St Ives, Peterborough or anywhere in Cambridgeshire and have some block paving that needs cleaning and/or sealing please call 07512 775339 or make your enquiry using our online form.